Solving Podman Error: short-name did not resolve to an alias and no unqualified-search registries are defined in...

podman 24 Mar 2024

Today I had an issue with my personal server, so deciding to rebuild all over again including restoring the backup and setting up this blog.

Long story short, I was experiencing some moments with Podman previously, feeling confident that this is a great alternative for me to replace docker, including this time on the server 😅

You know, the topic is on the title 😄 and you might get here because of the same pulling image issue, so without a further ado here is the fix.

Error: short-name "vaultwarden/server:latest" did not resolve to an alias and no unqualified-search registries are defined in "/etc/containers/registries.conf"

Podman Unable to Pull Image

That error, which confused at that time is because I haven't enabled any registry on /etc/containers/registries.conf

to solve that, just edit (with sudo) the registry file, here I'm using Vim

sudo vim /etc/containers/registries.conf

and find keywords for


The Keyword

Then set the registry address, in this context I set to

Set for unqualified search registries

Save the file, and redo the pull again

Podman Pull Working

Voila, now the image is successfully pulled and I can continue the setup that was interrupted before.

Hopefully, this solution will help you when facing the same issue with Podman.


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